We need your help

Beginning February 21st, you will have the chance to take part in Drunken Cat Comics history. 2013 saw the launch of Drunken Cat Comic’s first full-length graphic novel and most successful selling book, Fear of Flying. The journal comic documented Brian’s travels from the west coast back home to Columbus, Ohio all in the pursuit of happiness and finding a future with the love of his life. This spring will see the release of the follow up to that story, showing what happens when two people decide to start really building a life together.

The Big Year, captures another year in Brian’s life, touching on all the important “adult” events that help shape a person; buying a house, getting married and having a child. It’s all very exciting, but we can’t get this story out there without your help.

The Big Year  The Big Year The Big Year The Big Year

Drunken Cat Comics will be taking it’s very first plunge into the world of Kickstarter beginning Tuesday, February 21st, and we hope you will join us for the adventure. Stay tuned to the site for more updates in the day to come and on the big day, be by your computer to help us publish the next exciting chapter in Drunken Cat Comics history!