Nobody Likes Spider Cereal

Can you believe it has been 5 years since we started posting content online on a regular basis? How and why did this all begin?

The idea to start doing what began as a daily web comic came around the time Brian and I were getting ready to publish our 11th Anniversary Special. We wanted a way to bring my traffic to the website to better promote the new book, along with all the other books we had available. Since Brian was busy drawing all the funny books, I volunteered to do a one panel daily web comic which I originally thought would just be a series of stick figure drawings with a lot of text (sometimes this did turn out to be the case). Though the initial drawings were crude in both content and look eventually they found their way. Meanwhile, Brian also did a weekly color, multi-panel comic.

The daily postings stayed pretty consistent from July of 2012 to December 31st of 2013, it was here I would take much longer than expected break to try to finish Gomibako. Brian kept the comic content going with fairly regular multi-panel comics, but it wasn’t until September of that year that the daily comic would return in full force, only to pause very briefly before resuming as the three times a week comic you now know and hopefully love.

Whether you’ve been with us for the entire ride or are just now joining us, thanks for checking us out and all the support you give. We plan to continue publishing online and physical content for as long as we can and we hope you’ll continue to be there with us!