Living with a Dog
George Orwell was right, he just didn’t realize that Big Brother was actually dogs. Always watching…
George Orwell was right, he just didn’t realize that Big Brother was actually dogs. Always watching…
Tired of feeling like a T-Rex? Here are is a helpful article about all the different spooning techniques:
For those of you who don’t know already, I’m very pleased to announce that Amy and I are having a baby! A baby girl to be exact. This comic is another excerpt from my daily journal from back in August, around about the time we found out. I find it interesting (and amusing) how many different emotions can be tied to the simple phrase “We’re having a baby.”
I’m overwhelmed with many emotions these days, mostly excitement though:)
This comic is more of a series of moments that happened one evening. They kind of overwhelmed me and then the words started to form.
The words came in a flash as I was driving home at night after having dinner with my parents. I quickly pulled out my notebook to write them down (a practice that I started many years ago because I hate trying to recreate a moment and hate it even more when I forget an idea). Of course, since I wanted to hit a red light none came to my aid. I ended up writing this comic down with my notebook on my steering wheel and my eyes glued to the road ahead. I was impressed that I could read it when I got home.
There are so many beautiful tiny moments that are happening these days. I’m really happy I have comics to capture some of them.
There’s nothing more amazing than the imagination of a child. It’s conversations like these that warm my heart and make me smile.
Beyond that, we never caught the Invisible Man. He’s still on the loose. So guard your water if you want to keep it.
Oh, Time Warner, why are you too big to care? Why do I have to waste my weekend on hold with you because you failed to adjust my plan like you said you would the weekend before? Why are you so awful?
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