Posts Tagged babies
The Force is Strong
Baby Gravity
Izzy’s a climber, she’s very adventurous. But much like that poor coyote right before he plummets, she’s learned the hard way that gravity can be a harsh mistress.

I’m very pleased to announce that Glimpses of Life #4 is now at the printer and is available for pre-order our store! This issue continues Amy, Kayla, and my adventures with baby Izzy. Izzy makes quite a few discoveries in this issue. For the […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…

I’m very pleased to announce that Glimpses of Life #3 is now at the printer and is available for pre-order in our store! This issue continues to document my adventures with my newborn baby. For this issue’s cover I thought it’d be fun to […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hold This
Yesterday, Izzy woke up at 6:30AM. She had her diaper changed, was fed a bottle of milk, and was laid down next to me… she then proceeded to kick and squirm for the next hour until five till my alarm clock was due to go off. When my alarm clock rang she was in a deep sleep, so deep in fact that she didn’t stir when I picked her up out of bed and buckled her into her highchair. Then I found this comic I wrote way back in August of 2016 and it spoke to me through time like some sort of sleepy vortex.
I’m so tired.
Only Just Met
Today is Isabella’s birthday! In celebration of the day, I decided to post an excerpt from my daily journal comic that I made while Amy and I were in the hospital when Izzy was born. Although I technically drew this comic the day after she was born, I remember pondering this thought as I paced around the hospital room with Izzy waiting for Amy to finish in surgery. I think it’s a feeling and sentiment that every parent can relate to.
One year… where does the time go?