I was reluctant to post this comic as I originally had drawn it, so I added a new final panel. I didn’t think the original would be controversial (I don’t feel the comic is controversial at all) but I thought it appeared as if I was favoring one form of escapism over another. I am not. All of these are valid forms of distraction from the crushing reality that life is fleeting and everything happens for no discernible reason. And none of them are justifications for being a terrible person.

The comic originally ended with an open panel in which I had handwritten “Death is terrifying. The world is rarely a friendly or inviting place. I understand people’s desire for a crutch.” Upon looking through it, I thought it appeared I was putting religion in a glowing light, as the other panels looked more gritty and depressing. That wasn’t my intention. I feel all these things are various forms of escaping from reality, diluting one’s self from existence and responsibility. And at the same time, I didn’t want to exclude myself from this. Hence I added the final panel.