The quote I am referring to was said by Kevin Smith on one of his podcasts. I believe he was talking about how his writing process has had to change over the years as he tries to find new things to say. It was something about how the process was always just “ripping out big flabby pieces of your heart, putting them on a platter and putting them out there for the world.”

I originally had a script written out that I think related a little better to the images but I learned the hard way that Apple Pages will not automatically save something you write like Google Documents does, and in fact, will allow you to close a document without asking if you want to save.

You may notice “homages” to Steve Smith from American Dad, Daria and the cartoon portrayal of Georgia of Alie and Georgia fame.

*After this was posted, someone on Reddit suggeted it should be filed under “Iam14AndThisIsDeep”. I thought that was hilarious and completely agree. I find I’ve been in a rut as of late.*